
EnergyConnect is the nation’s largest transmission project, involving the construction of 900km of new transmission lines between the electrical grids of NSW, SA and VIC. Connecting the power grids of three Australian states increases system strength, and provides access to renewable generators, driving competition in the wholesale electricity market. The interconnector is a key element of the Australian Energy Market Operator’s Integrated System Plan and the NSW Government has declared it Critical State Significant Infrastructure.

Transgrid’s delivery partner for EnergyConnect is a joint venture between Clough and Elecnor known as SecureEnergy Joint Venture (SEJV). Transgrid and SEJV is delivering the NSW component of the project which includes the construction of 700km of new power lines from the SA border to the regional energy hub of Wagga Wagga saving NSW energy customers $180 million a year and generating up to 1,500 new jobs. Supporting infrastructure will also be built or upgraded, including a new substation between Buronga and Wagga Wagga.

The $1.5 billion project will take 2.5 years to plan and build and is expected to be operational from 2024.

All subcontractors to SecureEnergy (SEJV) will receive an invitation by email to complete registration of their business and workers into the Transgrid’s Worker Safety, Authorisation and Training portal.  All contractors and workers on EnergyConnect must be registered. The process is completed in two parts: business registration, and worker registration, including Power System Safety Rules (PSSR) bookings.

We suggest you read through the instructions and give yourself time to source the information needed to work for Transgrid. Your administrators will complete this process for your business and each worker.

If your business is already registered, you may login to the system via Pegasus Gateway, and follow the instructions under Stage 2: Register Your Workers to ensure each employee is site-ready for this project.

Video and document user guides can be found from the Help and Resources page.


Stage 1: Register Your Business (click to expand instructions)

Step 1 > Register a username and password

The Transgrid Worker Safety, Authorisation and Training (WSAT) System can be found by clicking the button below:

Start by entering a username of your choosing, plus your email address and a password. You’ll be emailed confirmation.

Step 2 > Register business details and answer profile questions

Using your new details, login to the WSAT system.

Important Action

As a subcontractor to SEJV you ONLY need to register your business name which is free of charge. You are not required to provide evidence of insurances or complete a Safety and Environment Management System (SEMS) review.

To ensure you register as a subcontractor ensure you answer the ‘Classification’ questions as follows: ‘Are you being engaged by Transgrid. If you are being engaged by Transgrid you will be invoicing Transgrid directly?’ Answer No.

To complete your registration, you will next be invited to register your workers. Please click to expand Stage 2.

Stage 2: Register Your Workers (click to expand instructions)

Step 1 > Login and add workers

On business registration approval (stage 1), Pegasus will email you login details to register your workers.

Using these emailed details, login and add your workers – you’ll start by selecting Manage Roles and then Add New Employee. From here you can enter and save their personal contact details, address, phone and email.

If a worker is already a registered cardholder, you may proceed to Step 3 to select their site and role for this project.

Step 2 > Pay for worker registration and contractor card

Pay for your worker’s registration and order their contractor cards to work for Transgrid.

    • Year 1 costs $90 + GST per worker for the management of roles, verification of documents, inductions and supply of card.
    • Year 2 costs $45 + GST per worker.

A tax invoice will be supplied on payment. If your workers hold current registrations in the Transgrid WSAT system, there is no additional cost to add their roles on this site.

Step 3 > Select site and roles

Select Manage Roles Add Site and select EnergyConnect Project. Workers must hold at least one role that begins with PEC (eg PEC – Authorised Driver) and where applicable, Power System Safety Rules and Environmental Authorisation roles.

Note: the minimum PSSR role to work in a Transgrid substation is PSSR 3.3 – Work in a Substation or Switchyard and when working on a Transgrid easement it is Transmission – PSSR 6.1 – General Work together with E1 – Access and Inspection.

If you are unsure what roles you need to apply for each worker, please contact your SEJV representative via

Step 4 > Upload documents 

Your role selections will determine the competency documents (licences, cards and qualifications) which you will need to upload in the system to prove your worker can perform the chosen role/s. Pegasus will validate the documents you have uploaded during the registration of your workers.

Contractor cards

Upon document approval and induction completion, the roles will be applied to your worker’s profile and contractor cards issued. The contractor card will be sent to the worker’s nominated address, and this could be your business’s address. Please ensure that all workers receive their card prior to commencing work at site.

It’s important that you keep worker’s details up to date, and you’ll be emailed about expiring documents and information to stay compliant. You may also elect to invite your workers to the Transgrid Worker Portal, which allows them to manage their own profile. Visit the Worker Portal page for more information.


My worker will be starting working as a subcontractor for SEJV on the Transgrid contract and is not registered in WSAT – what do I do?

Register your worker in the WSAT system (follow instructions in Stage 2: Register Your Workers)

My worker is registered in the Transgrid WSAT system and not assigned to the EnergyConnect Project – what do I need to do?

Select Manage Roles > Add Site and select the EnergyConnect Project. Workers must hold at least one role that begins with PEC (eg PEC – Authorised Driver) and where applicable, Power Systems Safety Rules and Environmental Authorisation roles.

Note: the minimum PSSR role to work in a Transgrid substation is PSSR 3.3 – Work in a Substation or Switchyard and when working on a Transgrid easement it is Transmission – PSSR 6.1 – General Work together with E1 – Access and Inspection.

I am unsure what roles to assign to my worker– what do I do?

If you are unsure what roles you need to apply for each worker, please contact the SEJV representative via

For your reference, here is a copy of the PEC Skills Matrix.

I need assistance with navigating the system – what do I do?

If you need assistance with registering your business or workers please contact Pegasus on 1300 208 498 or email



Supplier System Demonstration Webinar

Register here to watch the on-demand video

Process Wheel